my first media-appearance & practical goodbye-info

A bit below you’ll find practical information about my goodbye. But first: exciting news!

Look at me, being all proud in my bus driver uniform. I reached out to the GVB (the company that does the public transport in Amsterdam) newsletter that’s printed every month and distributed in all break-rooms, offices and garages. Told them what I’m up to, and they liked it enough for an interview + photo! On the 15th I’ll be featured. I hope I’ll get recognised by colleagues as “the bike boy” or something like that.

Anyhow. My time to leave is coming up. Does it frighten me? Yeah, quite a bit. I’m a total bike-noob with a plan that many folks tell me is dangerous, crazy and/or deranged. I guess they have a point. On the other hand, there’s so much kindness in the world, there’s so much to see, and participating in Amsterdam traffic isn’t particularly a safe activity either.

Departure day/time/location

I’ve selected August 2nd as my leaving date. Totally arbitrary. Picked August 1st. Then my mom pointed out that was a Thursday, on which she works. So, I chose August 2nd.

As for when: 11:00 from my house. I’ll serve some tea or other drinks, and you can tell me some wise words, and then wave at me as I’ll cycle off towards the east. Really: everyone is welcome! I’d really appreciate it. It’ll also be the starting point for the campaign in which we fundraise money for MiGreat to fight borders. Big day.

Cycling along the first 3 days.

The first 3 days anyone can join me. We’ll cycle short days (40-50km each) and make sure to stay at a place with water, sanitation and some food. Shoot me a text on instagram or my phone number, and we’ll see if it makes sense for you to join.


a few days left